Monday, November 27, 2017

Something Different

Trying something new. A half-step between a fast and a liquid diet. I'd try an all out fast, but I don't think that would work. As a matter of fact, I did have a hypoglycemic drop and am hoping some soup will stop that. If not, I will have to eat.
If I don't dissolve into a puddle first.

Overall, it hasn't been too bad. I did have a couple of slips -- an edge of a cookie I unwrapped for Warren, and a handful of popcorn, again meant for Warren. I should probably also count the blue stained fingers. Icing from the cookie. (No actual icing, but it was somehow my job to suck his fingertips clean. Kids are weird.) That may have been just enough sugar to cause enough of a spike to trigger the drop.

This may be an effective tool, if I can remember to remember not to eat -- and maybe do it only on days the little guy will be at school. It hasn't been as difficult as I thought it would be. And, no, that isn't because I ate until 11:59 before starting the fast.

I did maintain a variety of fluids -- milk, water, diet pop, coffee, tea. To some that may be cheating; to others it's permissible. It depends on what model you are following. No sugar in any of the drinks.
that would indeed have spiked my sugar and induced a drastic drop. Possibly the milk played a part, although it was a long time difference, which is outside of the norm for me. Also only a few sips of milk, twice, to provide a flavor.

I think i may be a flavor addict.
That's an odd thought, since I don't like things spicy. Maybe the spices mask the ability to savor the flavors?

The biggest problem, so far, other than the sugar drop, has been that if nothing solid goes in, nothing solid comes out. And if it isn't solid, when it wants out, it's in a hurry.

Maybe I should count that as my exercise for today, or at least part of it?

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


After my visit to the doctor Monday (rescheduled from the day of missteps) I am so Disappointed, despondent and depressed. Have gained weight and not just a little bit. Still swollen in the legs. blood pressure good, heartbeat 'within normal parameters'. Still a bit of a murmur.

I brought up the weight gain.
I brought up how it is out of proportion with what I eat and do.

And i got the same old they-aren't-listening-to-me garbage about diet and exercise.
Was suggested that I write down what I eat. (Duh.) (Check mark)
Was suggested I always include a protein when I eat. (Check mark)
Was suggested that I eat frequently instead of one or two big meals. (Check mark)
Didn't really feel believed, but that could just be me.

I guess I should look at it like I'm doing the right things, I suppose.

I shouldn't call the diet and exercise garbage. There is validity to it -- I'm not saying there isn't. I'm really not.  But it is not the be-all and end-all solution to weight problems.
There are other causes and concerns that are weight related. Thyroid, pituitary, thalamus, kidney or liver disease (or deterioration).


Looking at the pictures from our trips, I think I am taking on the body silhouette of my mother's Aunt
Gladys. She had several glandular problems, and that was back in the day, before many of those had legitimately been accepted.

I can't be sure without seeing actual pictures of her in her later years, and I doubt there are many of those floating around. The idea could be wishful thinking on my part, another way to escape responsibility. (Not that that's something I do on a regular basis.)

Of course, it would also be another factor to be considered as part of a weight loss regimen.

So, I go into Thanksgiving week edging ever closer to 300. This is not a goal I wish to meet. I need to reverse this. And quickly.

I refuse to be 300.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

kid busy

Last two  days have been kid busy. For whatever reason, my house is the place to be. Warren's been a regular little sweetheart, although just being around his energy can drain me, after a while.
Hailey's been here, too, after a long dry spell.

I love it. I love having them, and I love feeding them -- keeps me from having leftovers, donchaknow? But oh, lordy, Mr. Bub the builder can sure wreck a room with his creations. And i have to laugh as his imagination expands. His castles have become houses or persons, and we throw books and cars and other things into Imagination Central, so all sorts of stories, thoughts, and ideas come out.
It's a fascinating process.

News of a death today. Very sad to hear of that. A writing friend met online.

Between feeding them my leftovers and cleaning up after them I'm not not-meeting my goals. I'm not increasing anything either, but hey, things take time. Factor in a case of the dont-feel-goods and fluctuating weather -- yeah. I'm not doing badly at all.
I just could be doing better.

But isn't that always true?

Friday, November 17, 2017

One of Those Days 11/16/17

Let me tell you about my day.Which is not over yet.

Bought some (used) pants the other day. Wore a pair yesterday. Picked them up to put them on this morning before my shower and ripped one leg off the back.

Went out to go to Dr. Checked car, put brake fluid in, everything else good -- except for the left rear tire. Flat. (Really, are my tires going flat in order of rotation? How weird is that?)
Had to borrow Tammy's car for the trip.

Went to the Dr. my appointment was at 1:45, not the 2:45 I showed up for. No more openings today. (that's what happens when a blind woman writes on the calendar. 1s become 2s) I don't know what excuse to offer for not noticing the reminder texts that each say 1:45. I suppose I must not have looked at them, once I realized they were reminder texts.

Stopped at Dollar General to get glue and stickers, because my lil guy has to decorate a turkey. And Grandma usually has those things, but sometimes you run out. Walked out of the store leaving my bag behind, after carefully putting the cart away.
School buses all the way home. Well, half the way. I finally got smart enough to get on 32. Lots of traffic there though. I hate traffic.

The big event of the evening was decorating the turkey. The decorations were supposed to be like clothing or a costume, but it didnt quite turn out thaat way. 

First of all, since it's a family project, we got Hailey involved. Hailey, for those who don't know, is quite a little artist in the making. She draws and has an eye for color. at age 5 or 6, she taught herself to draw My Little Ponys by/from watching how-to YouTube videos.

It was hard to keep her from taking over the project. She did take over doing the gluing , which was a very good thing. I let Warren have a couple other papers and he pretty much spread/spilled/poured glue all over the paper. And then pouted when I put the glue away.

If it were up to Warren, the turkey would have been Argus-eyed. That boy's a little goofy about eyeballs, and I had bought some googly eyes for him to use. Because he's a little goofy about eyes, of course.
sorry, cant rotate it

Hailey placed the eyes appropriately, and glued on pom poms and stars all around Mr. Turkey. She did remember, every now and then, to ask Warren what color he wanted, or where something should go, but she did most of the work, while Warren was happily gluing eyeballs to the other page. 

After Hailey went home, Warren took an eyeball he won at a Halloween party -- not a glue-on or stick-on-- a big round eyeball -- and stuck it smack-dab in the middle of the turkey. That thing took a pile of glue, and it's probably not going to stick although it was staying on while he was running back and forth from the bus stop this morning.

Made sloppy joes and fries for supper for the three of us.

Plenty of moving around, what with doctors visits and flat tires and shopping. No time for snacking and such, as I was busily busy with other things. So, a good day on the diet and exercise front. That was probably the best thing about it.
The turkey was the funnest part. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Back. I Hope.

Sorry for the break. My second surgery discombobulated my vision too much for me to be able to do anything at all for very long. Plus internet problems, and then my computer 'broke' and -- one thing after another, the way it usually happens.

But, today, finally got me glasses and life looks better. Or, at least, I can see it.

Not a whole lot to report right now. I have managed to boost my activity a bit. It's got to the point where I get restless and edgy if I haven't been a degree of active. So, getting a little more housecleaning done, go up and down the steps a few times a day.

Eating has mostly been tomato soup, sometimes with grilled cheese, sometimes not. And popcorn for a snack. And some pizza here and there.

Starting to do some holiday cooking, have made a couple batches of fudge. Have not eaten any, save a couple small samples to see how the chocolate was setting. (Not super-very-well, as it happens, but okay.)

Now is time to jump back in and start getting things done. Making changes. Be nice if I could be running marathons by New Year's, but I'll settle for walking to the bus stop without back spasms and SOB.

Sounds like a goal to me.