Saturday, November 18, 2017

kid busy

Last two  days have been kid busy. For whatever reason, my house is the place to be. Warren's been a regular little sweetheart, although just being around his energy can drain me, after a while.
Hailey's been here, too, after a long dry spell.

I love it. I love having them, and I love feeding them -- keeps me from having leftovers, donchaknow? But oh, lordy, Mr. Bub the builder can sure wreck a room with his creations. And i have to laugh as his imagination expands. His castles have become houses or persons, and we throw books and cars and other things into Imagination Central, so all sorts of stories, thoughts, and ideas come out.
It's a fascinating process.

News of a death today. Very sad to hear of that. A writing friend met online.

Between feeding them my leftovers and cleaning up after them I'm not not-meeting my goals. I'm not increasing anything either, but hey, things take time. Factor in a case of the dont-feel-goods and fluctuating weather -- yeah. I'm not doing badly at all.
I just could be doing better.

But isn't that always true?

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