Friday, November 17, 2017

One of Those Days 11/16/17

Let me tell you about my day.Which is not over yet.

Bought some (used) pants the other day. Wore a pair yesterday. Picked them up to put them on this morning before my shower and ripped one leg off the back.

Went out to go to Dr. Checked car, put brake fluid in, everything else good -- except for the left rear tire. Flat. (Really, are my tires going flat in order of rotation? How weird is that?)
Had to borrow Tammy's car for the trip.

Went to the Dr. my appointment was at 1:45, not the 2:45 I showed up for. No more openings today. (that's what happens when a blind woman writes on the calendar. 1s become 2s) I don't know what excuse to offer for not noticing the reminder texts that each say 1:45. I suppose I must not have looked at them, once I realized they were reminder texts.

Stopped at Dollar General to get glue and stickers, because my lil guy has to decorate a turkey. And Grandma usually has those things, but sometimes you run out. Walked out of the store leaving my bag behind, after carefully putting the cart away.
School buses all the way home. Well, half the way. I finally got smart enough to get on 32. Lots of traffic there though. I hate traffic.

The big event of the evening was decorating the turkey. The decorations were supposed to be like clothing or a costume, but it didnt quite turn out thaat way. 

First of all, since it's a family project, we got Hailey involved. Hailey, for those who don't know, is quite a little artist in the making. She draws and has an eye for color. at age 5 or 6, she taught herself to draw My Little Ponys by/from watching how-to YouTube videos.

It was hard to keep her from taking over the project. She did take over doing the gluing , which was a very good thing. I let Warren have a couple other papers and he pretty much spread/spilled/poured glue all over the paper. And then pouted when I put the glue away.

If it were up to Warren, the turkey would have been Argus-eyed. That boy's a little goofy about eyeballs, and I had bought some googly eyes for him to use. Because he's a little goofy about eyes, of course.
sorry, cant rotate it

Hailey placed the eyes appropriately, and glued on pom poms and stars all around Mr. Turkey. She did remember, every now and then, to ask Warren what color he wanted, or where something should go, but she did most of the work, while Warren was happily gluing eyeballs to the other page. 

After Hailey went home, Warren took an eyeball he won at a Halloween party -- not a glue-on or stick-on-- a big round eyeball -- and stuck it smack-dab in the middle of the turkey. That thing took a pile of glue, and it's probably not going to stick although it was staying on while he was running back and forth from the bus stop this morning.

Made sloppy joes and fries for supper for the three of us.

Plenty of moving around, what with doctors visits and flat tires and shopping. No time for snacking and such, as I was busily busy with other things. So, a good day on the diet and exercise front. That was probably the best thing about it.
The turkey was the funnest part. 

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