Saturday, October 14, 2017

Friday the 13th, and then Saturday

Not a bad day.

had a slice of bread, a lot of egg salad, pocorn, and ice cream for eats. pop and coffee, as usual, for drinks. I also put away my laundry, cleaned my living room, and took a shower in my creaky bathtub. I wonder how difficult it would be to put safety bars in and around my tub. And how expensive.

today (Saturday) I've had two cheeseburgers and four slices of pizza. pop to drink; no coffee. Went to a church rummage sale, walked from the building to the parking lot two round trips. Walked around a bit in building, although i did have to sit a few times.

Both days went up and down my back steps multiple times to go open his house door for Warren.

Am having difficulty getting into a timing routine for this and other stuff. My mind feels sort of congested. Sinusitis of the brain. I'd like to blame it on October, on this particular week of the year. I'd like to, but for some reason that excuse doesn't feel right. Or it feels like exactly that: an excuse, not a reason.

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