Thursday, October 19, 2017

And Now ... Thursday

How did that happen? Between ongoing internet issues, doctor visits, school, and general ennui, the days have slipped away. Can't let that happen here; this is for accountability.

Can't find my notebook where I list my eating -- also not good. Probably a kid borrowed it for writing or drawing in. If I hadn't lost three days, it wouldn't be a big deal. I'd be able to come close on memory alone. Probably not perfect, but close.

Tuesday: Leg doctor. I guess I should say knee doctor. She wasn't interested  in the rest of my leg, as in how it feels like my hip is going to tear through flesh and muscle when I walk, nor in how it feels as if the muscle is ripping away from my femur when I stand. My knee is better, and she is willing to give me a release to work. Never mind that, knee or not, I still can't stand for an extended period of time without intense, disabling pain.

If I want her to address these/this issue, I need to start a new case.
I blame in part the specialty changing to "sports medicine", where everything is a different injury. Once upon a time, a long long time ago, the specialty was bones or bones and muscles together . Orthopedics? Osteopathy? Anyway, it's all in the blaming and the billing, not about the suffering of the patient.
(And this is one of the best specialty practices available in this area for this type injury!)

Anyway, after dr. visit, Tammy and I had lunch at a little place called Maddy's Pizza in Sardinia. Fantastic food, nice clean place, and a server who looked, moved, and sounded like a young version of one of my Margaret friends. They offered a BLT hoagy, with 12 slices of bacon as well as mayo, l, and t. I made two meals and a snack out of that paired with french fries -- also superbly, supremely delicious. The hoagy bun instead of sliced bread was nice. And there were no $5 burgers, although they would have been more worth it than many a one.
Finished out the day with a couple of those microscopic candy bars.

Wednesday; yesterday. A weird sleepy day, and I don't remember much of what I ate. A peanut butter sandwich, some chips, and later on two slices of pizza. Drank milk and coffee mostly.

Today, so far, I have had a bacon, egg,& cheese on a bun and a pack of poptarts. 

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