Monday, October 9, 2017

10/8/17 Applies to Apples

Internet quit on me last night before i could post.

Sunday was a long slow day, both for eating and moving. I slept pretty late and took two long naps. I ate one pop-tart (Warren had the other) a bowl of cereal, some toast, and later in the day soup and a sandwich ham&cheese. And another pack of pop tarts. Did get out to go to store in the evening. But that is about it, for activity. Believe me, standing and staying to cook soup and make sandwich rather drained me.

Tummy was somewhat better, but still grumbly and achy. I'm still thinking it was the sudden influx of fruit that caused that, and am unsure how to proceed there. The fruits I like are not good keepers and that's a problem when on a monthly income. Not just the planned budgeting (and when does a budget not encounter blips and minor emergencies?), there is also the fact that prices change, as does availability. Watermelon (yum) season is giving way to Pumpkin Time. Other melons are losing ground or reverting to imported or forced-growth more expensive options. Apple prices are already ridiculous, hopefully that is because it is near the end of last year's and haven't begun this year's harvest yet.
Hey, I can hope.

Apples are ridiculous for other reasons. All these kinds and types and sorts, these are good for raw eating, these are good for stewing, those for baking.
Do they not make apples anymore. Plain, ordinary general all-purpose apples?
Does the color of the peel really matter when the apples are peeled before being used or eaten?

I admit it is nice to counter the tartness of a mackintosh with the sweetness of a crumbly crust in a good pie. And sweet apples usually perk up a salad. The red peel can add a nice pop of color if there are no tomatoes or radishes (which are not usually present in salads containing apples or raisins)

But most stores only carry a few of the too-many kinds of apples, and the packaging only rarely tells what the apples within are best used for. It can be a gamble.
Of course, you'd be gambling to just buy generic apples as well, but you would much likely pay less and you would also know to expect that.

Well time will tell. Apples and oranges do tend to come down in price during the holidays, although they have also gone up when hurricanes and droughts have interfered with the harvests and the fruits are not as munificent as usual.

I'll get this. It's just going to take learning and time.

1 comment:

  1. Just making yourself aware of what it going in your gob helps a lot. As for fruits, don't forget about things like jelly and juices. Too often, you get added sugars, etc, but they are fruit!
